In the Spring 2023 edition of Impact Wealth, Hillary Latos uncovers how Finance-as-a-Service (FaaS) investment platforms, such as DecisionCFO, help solve portfolio management challenges faced by family offices. Here’s an exerpt of the article:
As family offices have become more investment savvy, they have been investing directly with operating companies, and bypassing the costly management and performance fees that would otherwise be paid to the funds. However, without the staff and infrastructure of a VC or PE fund, there are many challenges to managing a portfolio directly, including:
- a limited bandwidth that constrains the administrative and operational structure of the family office;
- low visibility and piecemeal oversight of portfolio company performance;
- determining the appropriate technologies for automating data collection
- limited forecasting capabilities without the warning signs of upcoming cash flow issues, and;
- inadequate strategic planning functions.
As an investor and family office principal, John Evans is intimately aware of these challenges and founded DecisionCFO to help address these issues.
The full piece about Finance-as-a-Service (FaaS) investment platforms is in the insert below.
About Impact Wealth:
Launched in 2020, Impact Wealth Magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine that caters to ultra-high-net-worth individuals and the family office industry. The magazine covers aspirational travel destinations, billionaires and other business titans, family office news and conferences, trophy real estate, philanthropy and galas, fashion and wellness, and luxury transportation. Read more